Event: UK Open Government Partnership (OGP) Civil Society Network meeting
Please register to join us for a full network meeting on the 11th October in London.
The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a global effort to make governments better by promoting transparency, empowering citizens, fighting corruption, and harnessing new technologies to strengthen governance. The UK government was a founder member of the OGP and is currently co-chair of the initiative. This provides the UK with a unique opportunity to demonstrate its leadership on key open government topics. Civil society participation is integral to the OGP, which is jointly governed at an international level by both governments and civil society organisations.
This meeting is a chance to find out what the OGP could mean for open government in the UK and across the world, and to explore civil society perspectives on how the UK should use it’s current global leadership role within the Open Government Partnership.
Online registration is available here.
The meeting will:
- Introduce the Open Government Partnership and provide an update on recent developments in the UK and beyond;
- Build shared understanding of the OGP, and the particular issues UK-based civil society would like to see it address;
- Put together a draft UK OGP Civil Society Network Strategy for the next 12 months
Who is it for?
Anyone from civil society who is involved in promoting any aspect of open government, understood broadly as: increasing the availability of information on government activities; supporting civic participation; implementing high standards of professional integrity in government and increasing use of new technologies for openness and accountability. Representatives of organisations working on open government issues are particularly welcome.
The morning will provide a chance to hear about OGP and share updates with colleagues. The afternoon will involve focussed work on developing a shared strategy.
Where can I find out more
A full brief of the event, including outline agenda is available here.
You can find out more about the Open Government Partnership on the global website. The OGP blog provides a flavour of some of the key topics being explored across the world.
To find out more about the emerging Civil Society network, see www.opengovernment.org.uk
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