News 7th March 2016

Consultation on Beneficial Ownership Transparency launched

by Tim Hughes

One of the headline commitments in the UK’s 2013-15 OGP National Action Plan was to publish an open register of beneficial ownership – those who own or benefit from companies registered in the UK.  For the UK’s upcoming action plan, the Open Government Network is calling on government to go a step further to:

Ensure that all companies that own property or participate in delivering government obligations to provide public, goods, services and infrastructure will disclose who controls and benefits from their business decisions as open data.

If enacted, this would help to uncover investments in the UK that hide the proceeds of illegal activity such as money laundering, bribery and embezzlement.

The Government has just released a consultation on these proposalsDeadline: 1 April 2016 11:45pm.  Please consider responding and making the case for extending beneficial ownership disclosure.  The Government is accepting submissions via email or post.

Complete a response form and either

Email to:
Write to:
Transparency and Trust Team, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ET