Our new open Wiki to plan a programme for civil society capacity building
Dear Open Government community,
The civil society coordinators for UK, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales are working together to strengthen and connect the Open Government civil society movements in the UK home nations.
This project is being led by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Northern Ireland Environment Link, Wales Council for Voluntary Action and Involve UK.
Our ambition is to open up the process through which our governments progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Our plan is to build up the networks of civil society and activists in each UK home nation so they are better able to use open government approaches to secure progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
We want you to directly shape these plans by adding your ideas and content. It will be the basis for our approach to funding partners and other supporters, and become the programme of activity for the project. We are already working with the Big Lottery Fund UK (at Stage 2 of an application process) who are very interested in supporting the initiative.
For the Scottish network, there is the added advantage of Scotland’s Pioneer tier status within the Open Government Partnership, which should lever in additional support and visibility. I have blogged about this on this site.
To do this collaboratively, we have prepared a Wiki hosted on an open platform. Please visit https://opengovpioneers.miraheze.org and get involved now in taking the Open Government movement to the next level.
We would welcome your thoughts and ideas.