News 6th January 2017

Assessment of UK’s 2013-15 Open Government Action Plan published for public comment

by Tim Hughes

ogp_irm_color_wb7The Open Government Partnership’s (OGP) Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) – which is charged with tracking the progress of countries on OGP – has just published its latest report for the UK for public consultation. This progress report, prepared by Ben Worthy from Birkbeck University, assesses the implementation of the commitments in the UK’s second open government action plan, which covered the period 2013 to 2015.

The headline figures are:

  • 6 (out of 21) commitments were fully completed
  • 11 were substantially completed
  • 3 were only completed to a limited extent
  • 1 was withdrawn

Below is the blurb from the OGP, with details on how to respond to the consultation. The deadline for responding is 18th January.


Published at: 
In November 2016, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) began publishing end of term reports (EOTR) for those countries who closed action plan implementation in 2016. These reports cover the full two year action plan cycle of each country.

In United Kingdom, the IRM researcher summarized his findings:

“The UK’s second action plan commitments on beneficial ownership, aid transparency, Sciencewise, and OpenDataCommunities are some examples of major contributions to government openness. Four commitments were closer to completion. However, progress overall in the rest of commitments was sustained from the assessment at mid-term. The third action plan has several commitments that flow from two priority areas and star commitments including beneficial ownership and extractives.”

The public comment version of the report is available below. The 2-week public comment period will remain open until close of business on Wednesday, January 18, 2016. Commenters are welcome to comment here or email comments to [email protected](link sends e-mail). Please specify in your email if you wish for your comments to remain anonymous.
