Meeting notes 10th May 2017

Open Government Partnership Scotland meeting – Livestream

by Ruchir Shah

The meeting took place on Tuesday 9th May 2017 at 1oam in the George Mackay Brown Library, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh with around 20 participants from government and civil society backgrounds.

The purpose of this meeting was to assess progress against the commitments so far and plan how we take forward delivery of the commitments for the rest of the year, with a wider spread of input from civil society partners.

You can watch and listen to the full 2-hr session at the following link to catch up on the conversation:

Livestream recording of meeting

A key part of the conversation was widening the conversation around Scotland’s approach to open government action planning to people outside the room.

Here is an open editable page we have set up to do just that:

Please engage us with this.