What does Welsh civil society want from the next Open Government Action Plan?
Civil society manifesto
If you could get Welsh Government to do one thing to be more transparent or engaging, what would it be?
This was the premise of an online consultation we ran to engage civil society on their suggestions for the next Welsh Open Government Action Plan. Following some great ideas online we’ve put together a manifesto of calls from Welsh civil society to the Welsh Government.
Published today, the Manifesto makes some significant calls including:
- The introduction of Participatory Budgeting at a national and local government level, where people are able to vote on how budgets are spent
- More transparent procurement processes by publishing a detailed list of funds awarded
- The use of more videos, images and infographics on the Welsh Government website
- Better use of social media channels to reach a wider section of the public
- More frequent and more accessible publication of the data Welsh Government holds
Get involved
The manifesto is just the first step in the journey to the next Action Plan, and what we hope are some serious commitments to open government from the Welsh Government. We’ll be feeding these ideas into the team developing the plan, and will keep everyone up to date on our forum. Join us here to keep updated.
Be sure to let us know what you think about the Manifesto. You can find us on Twitter here.