News 13th December 2018

Welsh self assessment for the third National Action Plan

by Jessica Blair

*Please note the period for comments has now closed*

The third UK Open Government National Action Plan was published in May 2016. In December 2016, commitments from each of the devolved administrations, including Welsh Government were published in an update to the UK plan.

As part of the two-year action plan cycle, governments are required to produce mid-term and end-of-term self-assessment reports.

In accordance with OGP guidelines the mid-term and end-of–term self-assessment reports are published for a two-week consultation period. The  draft end-of-term self-assessment document is now available and will remain open for comment until Wednesday 2nd January. If you would like to comment please send  your comments to: [email protected] /[email protected]

Read the self assessment here in English and here in Welsh.