NAP 5 – Open Contracting – Wk 2 – Read out
As part of the co-creation process of the UK’s fifth National Action Plan for Open Government (NAP5), thematic areas agreed to during the Multistakeholder Forum in March 2021 have been turned into biweekly Working Groups. These Working Groups bring together government policy leads and civil society, and are charged with developing commitments for inclusion in NAP5.
The second NAP5 Open Contracting Working Group was held on May 19, 2021 at 14:00 BST, following the inaugural meeting on May 5. The meeting was co-chaired by civil society and government.
Topics and themes discussed as part of the session included:
● Multistakeholder engagement in NHS procurement system reform Lessons from COVID – dashboard? Patient’s outcomes?
● Information campaign
Would need concrete deliverables, patient’s rights rather than just data
● Interoperability
Possible blend of NHSX and Civil Society – interoperability as a licensing requirement for pulse oximeters/diabetes sensors. DSA involvement? Use to monitor services?
● Clear mechanism to request data sets
● What would open government beyond data look like?
● Rebrand PR/Comms departments at Trusts for information release
● Retrospective of previous unmet commitments
IRM report from OGP
Next steps:
Attendees of the second meeting are asked to come prepared to discuss the above listed suggestions in greater detail
For additional details or to get involved, please contact:
● Sam Roberts – Head of Open Government: [email protected]
● Kevin Keith – Chair, Open Government Network: [email protected]