NAP5 11th August 2021

NAP 5 – Natural Resource Transparency / Climate Change – Wk3 – Readout

by Kevin Keith

As part of the co-creation process of the UK’s fifth National Action Plan for Open Government (NAP5), thematic areas agreed to during the Multistakeholder Forum in March 2021 have been turned into biweekly Working Groups. These Working Groups bring together government policy leads and civil society, and are charged with developing commitments for inclusion in NAP5.

The third NAP5 Natural Resource Transparency Working Group was held on Thursday 29th July, 2021 at 14:00 BST. The meeting was co-chaired by civil society and government.

The group was invited to a Mural board to prioritise the suggestions that arose out of the first two sessions. Suggestions that placed highly in both feasibility and impact included:

● Transparency of commodities trading – expanding this to oil-backed debt transparency.

● Standardisation and aggregation of waste management data, including composition of waste.

● Frequent and consistent reporting of climate-related risk at the project level by extractive multinational corporations.

● Endorsement and implementation of the GRFF and EITI for UK-based extractive corporations.

● Accountability of corporations for their contributions to the climate crisis.

● Open data for agricultural subsidies.

● Introduction of a plastic packaging tax.

● Standardisation and digitisation of climate and waste data to improve interoperability.

Next steps:

Ideas triaged during this meeting will be used to propose draft commitments, which will be critically evaluated in the succeeding Working Group. The Mural Board has remained open for participants to continue their contribution to the discussion.

For additional details or to get involved, please contact:

● Sam Roberts – Head of Open Government: [email protected]

● Kevin Keith – Chair, Open Government Network: [email protected]

● Joseph Williams – Civil Society Co-lead: [email protected]