Democracy Games: The Next Generation

This is a party political broadcast by …the next generation

As part of the Unusual Suspects Festival in October, the NI Open Government Network and the NEETs Forum have co-designed an event that will explore the political party process, policy making and democracy in Northern Ireland. Through a series of interactive democracy games, young people from across Northern Ireland will have the opportunity to:

  • Create their own political party – devise the name and key messages
  • Produce their Political Party Manifesto – choosing and developing policies in the areas of education, health, employment, transport, justice, poverty, environment and culture
  • Launch their Party’s Campaign and debate issues and values with rival representatives at a party political hustings session
  • Vote for the political party that best represents their priorities and principles
  • Have some serious fun

The event will take place on Wednesday 12th October 2016, 1:00pm – 4:00pm in Belfast

The Unusual Suspects Festival is a three day festival of ideas, debate and challenges exploring how collaboration and social innovation can solve some of society’s most pressing challenges. It’s all about sparking new connections, reframing old ones and finding innovative ways to tackle social problems.