GovCampConnect Ireland

Community-centred unconferences have been key to the success of digital government in the UK. The purpose of the event is to:

  • Bring the UKGovCamp unconference model to the digital government sector in Ireland
  • Bring together the community which is currently split across silos, e.g., open source, open data, education, health, policy, etc.
  • Promote cross-border knowledge sharing and collaboration

“GovCampConnect will be the first event of its kind on the island of Ireland. We’ve chosen an amazing venue halfway between Belfast and Dublin, because stuff that matters is happening in both places and we want people to share their stories. GovCampConnect is community-centred unconference. Anyone can pitch a session for the session grid (the agenda). You can view examples of GovCamp sessions online. Admission is free but you’ll need to register.”

The Northern Ireland Open Government Network is supporting this event and will be pitching to deliver a session and holding the first North/South open government networks meeting there.

GovCampConnect will take place in Narrow Water Castle, Warrenpoint, at the foot of the Mournes beside Carlingford Lough on 24 September 2016, 9:00am – 5:00pm. To register for this event, click here…