Imagining Open Government in Scotland
How do you think we should tackle transparency, privacy, anti-corruption, open data and participation? An event to feed your ideas into a Pioneering Open Government Programme.
Blythswood Hall, Renfield St Stephen’s Training and Conference Centre – 260 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4JP – View Map
13:00 – Coffee and Networking
13:30 – Doreen Grove, Scottish Government – How we can influence the Government agenda
13:45 – Robin MacAlpine, Common Weal – Why Open Government matters to Scotland
14:00 – Group Discussion #1 – How do we currently experience a ‘closed government’? This will include how we currently gain access to power, how we interact with the government currently, the availability of information from the Government, and how much involvement citizens really want with their government
14:30 – Facilitator feedback and questions
14:50 – Ben Simmons, Patient Opinion – How the NHS is demonstrating Open Government principles and what we can learn from it
15:00 – Group Discussion #2 – How can we create a more human relationship between the individual and the State? Does Open Government extend to informal positions of power? Would Open Government have affected things like the PFI scandal and the Panama Papers?
15:30 Facilitator feedback and questions
15:45 – Ruchir Shah, SCVO – What next for Open Government in Scotland? Connecting citizens into a national movement.
16:00 – Close