(POSTPONED) Let’s make Scotland work for you! Help Shape Scotland’s next OpenGov Action Plan (Inverness)

Do you want to transform Government?

Governments use public money to shape the society we live in. The decisions they take impact on the day to day quality of life that we enjoy. Open governments do not just allow us to see what decisions are made, they allow us to take part in shaping them and provide us with the information we need to examine and challenge their choices

The Scottish Government and Open Government Network are inviting you to have your say on the themes and issues that can help make government in Scotland more open, transparent and accountable. So whether you would like to see more data released in areas such as transport or agriculture; you’d like to be involved in developing new public services; or want more information on how public money is spent, come along and let us know!

You can find more information about the events and the Open Government Network at https://www.opengovernment.org.uk/networks/scotland/ogp2018/

This is one of a series of events around Scotland – if you can’t make the events please join the conversation online at https://www.ideas.gov.scot/

Register to attend event.

Event date and time

Tue 12 June 2018

17:00 – 19:00 BST