Open Government Partnership in Scotland
What can the Open Government Partnership contribute to Scotland?
This roundtable will explore if and how Scotland should be involved in the UK’s third (2016-18) Open Government Partnership National Action Plan.
The UK was a founding member of the OGP in 2011. Since then it has produced two National Action Plans (2011-13 & 2013-15), and is due to agree and publish its third (2015-17) by the end of 2015. The devolved governments of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales currently fall under the UK’s membership of the OGP. However, the involvement of the devolved administrations in the OGP has been minimal; the Scottish government contributed one commitment on open contracting to the previous action plan.
On 13th July the process of developing the UK’s third Open Government Partnership national action plan will be launched. This process will result in a set of specific, measurable and time bound commitments to reform, collaboratively developed and agreed by government and civil society. Find out more about OGP Action Plans >>
At this roundtable we will discuss what the OGP can contribute to Scotland and vice versa, and if and how civil society in Scotland would like the Scottish Government to participate in the process.