OpenGov Meetup | Feb 14th, 1200 – 1315

Barely a week goes by without open government hitting the headlines. Last week, it was standards and integrity. This week, a fantastic joint investigation by Transparency International UK and the BBC. Next week?

Well hopefully you can join us to discuss next week, as we’re relaunching OpenGov Meetups.

Register here:

Dr Ben Gittins, a new member of the Cabinet Office’s open government team will be there, as will Tim Hughes, the former Director of Involve and now Open Government Partnership strategy guru who will talk to us about just that: inputting into the draft OGP strategy before the impending deadline –

Paul Braithwaite, OGP’s Europe lead will be on hand too.

We will update on the UK OGN workshops, talk about diversity and inclusion with Mor Rubenstein, a new government, regulator, civil society FOI working group with the Campaign for Freedom of Information, and much more…

Hopefully see you there.