Workshop: Collaborating to progress Open Government in Scotland
We are holding a joint workshop between the Scottish Government and Open Government Network on 31st August 2017, from 13:00 – 16:00
Facilitated by The Democratic Society, the session will focus on how the partnership can work together in the delivery of open government commitments and, on ensuring that Scotland meets the five commitments in its current National Action Plan through increased civil society collaboration and citizen involvement.
We will also be requesting updates to be circulated in advance to allow the focus of the workshop to be on agreeing practical ways forward. The session will be interactive and not held in the standard meeting format, providing participants with the opportunity to discuss the commitment areas that matter most to them.
We hope that you will be able to join us. If you plan to attend, please sign up using this google form.
For more information, please contact Paul Bradley
Welcome: Kelly McBride from The Democratic Society will welcome participants and run through the agenda for the session.
Civil society engagement: progress and opportunities: This session will provide an overview of what civil society engagement has happened around the Scottish National Action Plan so far. There will be a presentation on progress, gaps and opportunities; and a talk about the experiences of the participatory budgeting (PB) working group, which has seen civil society and Scottish Government working together to progress PB across Scotland (linked to NAP commitment 4).
The commitment carousel – ideas to involve citizens and deliver the commitments: This will be a forward-focused session. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss and suggest actions around the commitments.
Reflection and action – what next?: Through a ‘fishbowl’ format, commitment leads and other participants will reflect on what they’ve heard throughout the session and share thoughts on ‘what next’.
We commit to…: An opportunity for participants to share how they will personally and collectively commit to helping progress OGP in Scotland.
Wrap up & close