TUV response to NIOGN letter on donor transparency – January 2017
Jim Allister, leader of the Traditional Unionist Voice has responded to our letter on donor transparency, referring to recent correspondence sent to the Secretary of State, James Brokenshire:
“I wrote to the Secretary of State on 5th January restating the long standing position of my party that there should be full transparency around donations. TUV is in favour of ending anonymity for party donors as soon as possible.
I have enclosed a copy of my letter to the Secretary of State for your information.
TUV raises funds through party fundraisers such as dinners and has no large donors.
Yours sincerely,
Jim Allister MLA
TUV Party Leader”
“Dear Secretary of State,
Thank you for your letter dated 4th January about funding of political parties in Northern Ireland.
Donations to political parties in Northern Ireland has been a matter of grave public concern for a considerable period of time. TUV believes there should be full transparency around donations. This will only serve to build confidence in the political system. TUV is in favour of ending anonymity for political donations and moving towards full transparency as soon as possible.
Best wishes for 2017.
Yours sincerely,
Jim Allister MLA”