Share your views of themes for Open Government in Scotland 2021

Share your views of themes for Open Government in Scotland
The Scottish Government is looking for view on these main themes which may form part of the next Open Government Action Plan.

The consultation, open until 25 June 2021, features a series of theme and asks about what “good” might look like for each of these themes. The themes are:

  • Participation in decision making. How can people get involved in decisions which will affect them?
  • Data and technology. These are everywhere in our lives – how do we ensure data is accessible and its use accountable?
  • Financial Transparency. It’s important that people are able to see how public money comes in and goes out, and what impact spending has.
  • Health and Social Care. There are big changes planned for Health and Social Care over the next few years. How can we make it easier for people to understand and get involved in changes?
  • Climate Change. How can we enable and support people to understand and get involved in climate change action?

The site features all of the themes which you can vote and comment on. The ideas your share provide here will feed into a series of workshops discussing each theme in more detail.

Find out more here.