24th November 2023
The Multi-Stakeholder Forum is a regular meeting which takes place between between government and civil society. It leads the open government process within a country. The read out (produced by government) is below and the accompanying slide deck can be downloaded here. Aim of the meeting The aim of this Multi-Stakeholder Forum (MSF) was to…
19th July 2023
The Multi-Stakeholder Forum is a regular meeting which takes place between between government and civil society. It leads the open government process within a country. The read out (produced by government) is below and the accompanying slide deck can be downloaded here. Aim of the meeting The aim of this Multi-Stakeholder Forum (MSF) was to…
15th June 2023
On 21 April 2022, the House of Commons passed a motion tabled by the leader of the Labour Party, calling for the then prime minister, Boris Johnson, to be investigated by the Commons Privileges Committee for having potentially misled parliament over ‘partygate’ allegations. On 9 June 2023, after receiving a draft of the committee’s final…
26th May 2023
The Multi-Stakeholder Forum is a regular meeting which takes place between between government and civil society. It leads the open government process within a country. The read out (produced by government) is below and the accompany slide deck can be downloaded here. UK Multi-Stakeholder Forum | Thursday 27th April 2023 Read-out for publication Aim of…
12th May 2023
NOTE: THE DEADLINE FOR THIS HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO 11/06/23 Civil society leaders have today called for ‘bold and ambitious’ ideas from their counterparts to feed into the next UK National Action Plan (NAP) for Open Government. It is the 6th version of the biennial NAP which seeks to make the government more ‘open’ by…
28th April 2023
The April update to the UK’s fifth National Action Plan for Open Government (2021 – 2023) has been published and is available to download here. It contains updates on: Commitment 1: Open contracting Commitment 2: Open justice Commitment 3: Algorithmic transparency and accountability Commitment 4: Health Commitment 5: Anti-corruption and international illicit finance Commitment 6:…
28th April 2023
A month-long call for ideas for the UK’s 6th National Action Plan plan for Open Government will begin on May 12th, as part of the global Open Gov Week event. The plan, put together by civil society and government, seeks to improve governance and is a mandatory part of the UK’s membership of the Open…
19th March 2023
For a week in May, reformers in and outside of government will come together to think of solutions to their most pressing problems. Over the past five years there have been more than 1,600 events in over 60 countries, from public debates and assemblies, to hackathons, webinars and even parades that have led to strong…
6th March 2023
UK Multi-Stakeholder Forum Read-out for publication Wednesday 18th January 2023 Aim of the meeting The aim of this Multi-Stakeholder Forum (MSF) was to discuss lessons learnt from the past to shape future planning, and to discuss plans for future MSFs and the co-creation process for the Sixth National Action Plan on Open Government (NAP6). This…
5th January 2023
Aim of the meeting The aim of the meeting is to briefly take stock of progress on the current National Action Plan, discuss the challenges and opportunities in the future, and agree the way forward for the operation of the UK’s MSF. Attendees There were a total of 32 attendees, of which 22 were government…
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