
Time to develop Scotland’s 2018-2020 OpenGov action plan

13th March 2018

  Since the turn of the year work has been underway to develop improved processes and a project plan ahead of creating Scotland’s 2018/20 open government action plan. We’re now all set to press ahead!   What it’s all about   Developing Scotland’s second open government action plan is part of Scotland’s promise as a member…

Re-imagine democracy with us online  —  social kit

12th March 2018

Imagine a country where decisions are honestly made, transparent and accountable, where outcomes cannot be bought or manipulated and where policy-making processes enhance democratic participation and connection. This Thursday, Open Government Networks across the UK will be coming together to host the Re-imagine Democracy conference. We want you to join us in the discussions as together we…

Bitter Sweet Victory for Transparency Campaigners

7th March 2018

The Northern Ireland Open Government Network welcome the intention to create transparency around donations, but are very disappointed that only donations from 1st July 2017 will be published. This goes against the agreement that all donations from January 2014 would be published. Although we welcome the opening of party political donations and see this as…

Why #reimaginedemocracy? Next week’s conference in Belfast will show us the way

5th March 2018

Ruchir Shah from the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations explores why we need to #reimaginedemocracy for 2018 On Thursday March 15th next week, a stramash of people frustrated with the way political decisions are made will descend on the Mac in Belfast. They will be binded by their concern for democracy, and the way in…

Crowdsourcing Commitments for the NI Open Government Action Plan

16th February 2018

Written by David McBurney The NI Open Government Network is collecting ideas to improve transparency, participation and accountability. We are looking for proposals that the Northern Ireland Executive should commit to in its 2018-2020 Open Government Action Plan. We would like to hear from citizens, community groups, civil society organisations, and anyone interested in greater transparency,…

Online Identity Assurance – What have we been doing? Come see for yourself

14th February 2018

February 1, 2018 posted on Scottish Government website by Ross Clark It’s been a busy start to 2018 for the online identity assurance team. Thank you for all your initial feedback on our first blog. We value the input of everyone with an interest in this work. So what’s been happening? As mentioned in our…

OGN Submission: Consultation on Revised FOI Code of Practice

2nd February 2018

This response was submitted on 2nd February 2018 by the UK Open Government Network to the government’s consultation on the revised FOI Code of Practice (the set of guidelines for civil servants for dealing with FOI requests). Some of the main points that we made included: – The Code of Practice should be fully aligned…

Bringing Open Government to Local Governments

29th January 2018

Last week, the Open Government Network was in Manchester, Sheffield and Leeds to talk with local residents and civil society organisations about the problems they face, and reforms they feel are needed, to bring about more open government in the UK. Our workshops with people around England, and complemented in the devolved nations by our…