Meeting notes

Network meeting: 6 December

22nd November 2012

Update (04/12/12): This meeting has now been cancelled The next meeting of the civil society network will be held on 6 December, between 1230 and 1430, at the Open Data Institute. This meeting will be to discuss a number of process and governance issues concerning the network, including: What is / should the network be (e.g. should…

15 November brown bag lunch

13th November 2012

At this week’s brown bag lunch meeting at the ODI we will be exploring the scope and content of the UK’s next National Action Plan with civil servants from the Cabinet Office’s Transparency team. This will build on conversations over the past couple of weeks and will help to decide what’s in and what’s out of…

Open Government brown bag lunches (aka. ODI Thursdays)

29th October 2012

From this Thursday (1 November) onwards, the Open Data Institute have kindly offered us the use of their space on Thursdays of every week. This will include the free use of desks and WI-FI, and meeting rooms for (brown bag) lunch meetings. The idea is simple: to bring those working on open government across civil society…

Event: UK Open Government Partnership (OGP) Civil Society Network meeting

25th September 2012

Please register to join us for a full network meeting on the 11th October in London. The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a global effort to make governments better by promoting transparency, empowering citizens, fighting corruption, and harnessing new technologies to strengthen governance. The UK government was a founder member of the OGP and is currently co-chair…

UK OGP Civil Society Survey

30th August 2012

To inform the work of the UK Open Government Partnership Civil Society Network we have put together a short online survey. This survey is targeted to organisations involved, or interested in becoming involved in the network. Survey responses are invited by Wednesday 5th September 2012, although the survey will remain open until mid-September for additional…

What is on the UK OGP calendar?

30th August 2012

With the 2013 Open Government Partnership plenary now pencilled in for October 2013 in London, it might seem like the OGP calendar is a little sparse, but there are quite a few events and activities coming up. Drawing on recent conversations with Cabinet Office, and wider OGP calendars, here’s a quick overview of some upcoming…

Visions for a UK OGP Forum

14th June 2012

As part of the OGP process, countries have to consult on their national action plans, and to “identify  a forum to enable regular multi-stakeholder consultation on OGP implementation—this can be an existing entity or a new one”.  The UK has not yet identified or established such a forum, but will need to do so over…