2013-15 UK National Action Plan

Current National Action Plan

OGP UK National Action Plan 2013-15

The UK’s 2013-2015 Open Government Partnership National Action Plan was published on 31 October 2013 at the OGP Annual Summit – London.

Launch of the OGP UK National Action Plan at the OGP Annual Summit – London October, 2013

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The UK National Action Plan 2013-15

The UK National Action Plan 2013-15 sets out a series of 20 commitments by the UK Government and one by the Scottish Government, organised around the themes of :

  • open data – radically opening up government data for greater accountability, public service improvement and economic growth
  • government integrity – fighting corruption and strengthening democracy through transparent government
  • fiscal transparency – helping citizens to follow the money
  • empowering citizens – transforming the relationship between citizens and governments
  • natural resource transparency – ensuring natural resources and extractive revenues are used for public benefit

Story of the UK National Action Plan 2013-15

The story of the UK National Action Plan 2013-15 sets out how the NAP was developed, what was learnt from the process and recommendations based on the experience. The plan was developed in partnership by the UK Government and UK OGP civil society network, and with the intention that it should itself model the principles of open government, being transparent and participatory, and benefitting from the expertise and energy of government and civil society.


Previous National Action Plans

OGP UK National Action Plan 2011-13

You can find the UK National Action Plan 2011-13 on the OGP website here.

An initial discussion of the UK National Action Plan is available here.